How To Cite A Book With Multiple Authors Apa Reference Page

The apa in text citation for a book includes the author s last name the year and if relevant a page number.
How to cite a book with multiple authors apa reference page. Basic book citation format. The following rules for handling works by a single author or multiple authors apply to all apa style references in your reference list regardless of the type of work book. For example the way that you reference a single author will differ somewhat from how you reference a source with multiple authors. Two authors a basic apa style reference includes the last name and first initial of the author followed by the date of publication name of article or book in sentence case name of journal if applicable in italics and title cased and publication information.
You should also use an ampersand instead of writing out and before the last author s name. The equivalent apa 7 page can be found here. For reference list entries cite both authors names with the ampersand between the names. The ampersand is used between two authors when their names are written in parentheses but when when the names are written in the narrative.
Apa format establishes a number of clear rules for how to list reference works using author information. For in text citations cite both names every time rios pickle 2010 or rios and pickle 2010 contend. If you are dealing with two editors instead of two authors you would simply insert the names of the editors into the place where the authors names are now followed by eds without the quotation marks see the example. This page reflects apa 6 which is now out of date.
Include other contributors e g. The rest of the format would remain the same. In the reference list start with the author s last name and initials followed by the year the book title is written in sentence case only capitalize the first word and any proper nouns. Editors and translators and.
How you reference different sources varies depending on the number of authors to whom the source is attributed. Often a source will have multiple authors and the apa system denotes specific rules for listing these authors on the reference page. It will remain online until 2021 but will not be updated. The following rules for handling works by a single author or multiple authors apply to all apa style references in your reference list regardless of the type of work book article electronic resource etc.
To cite multiple authors in apa in text list the last names of the authors in parentheses at the end of the sentence you re sourcing followed by the year of publication.