Apa Format Citation For Journal Article With Multiple Authors

According to new research smith 2020.
Apa format citation for journal article with multiple authors. Pay attention to punctuation and the use of the ampersand symbol. Surnames and initials for up to twenty authors should be provided in the reference list. For reference list entries cite both authors names with the ampersand between the names. Author surname et al year in text citation quotation.
Then include the last name and first initial of the second author. 1996 the eclipse of listening. If the journal is no longer being published and it does not have a home page then include the url for the home page of the database from. Title of journal volume number issue number if available pages example.
The ampersand is used between two authors when their names are written in parentheses but when when the names are written in the narrative. Place a comma after the first initial of the first author followed by an ampersand. For in text citations cite both names every time rios pickle 2010 or rios and pickle 2010 contend. Basic format last name a.
If you viewed a journal article in an online database and it does not have a doi you will need to do a quick search outside of the database to locate the url for the journal s home page pp. For more than 20 authors list the first 19 followed by an ellipses then list the final author. Author surname et al year page number references. This information must be included in the reference.
Smith 2020 notes that multiple authors and corporate authors. The new criterion 15 3 5 13. The in text citation changes slightly when a source has multiple authors or an organization as an author.