Surah Alif Lam Mim Sajdah Benefits

The virtues and benefits of surah alif lam mim as sajdah.
Surah alif lam mim sajdah benefits. The tafsir of surah as sajdah chapter 32. As sajdah 32 1 jabir رضي الله عنه said the messenger of allah may allah bless him and grant him peace did not sleep until he had recited alif lam mim. Which was revealed in makkah. The sending down 32 and blessed is the one in whose hand the kingdom is 67 al adab al mufrad book 50 hadith 1207 32 2 anas b.
Sahih al bukhari 891 76 2 abu huraira رضي الله عنه reported i heard. The revelation of this book is beyond doubt from the lord of all worlds. Alif lam mim sajda refers to surah sajda 32 and ha mim sajda refers to surah fussilat 41 here is the list of surahs for prostration and ayah it occurs in. In the book of the friday prayer al bukhari recorded that abu hurayrah said the prophet used to recite in fajr on fridays.
Ali this is the revelation of the book in which there is no doubt from the lord of the worlds. Bismi allahi arrahmani arraheem in the name of allah the most gracious the most merciful the prophet would not sleep until he recited surah as sajdah. Surah as sajdah the prostration. Surah number part juz number verse number al a raf the wall with elevations 7 9 206 ar ra d the thunder 13 13 15 an nahl the bee 16 14 50.
Hakim 2 412 dhahabi in sahih al jamiea 22 789 khalid ibn ma dan radiallahu anhu said recite the deliverer which is alif laam tanzeel for i have heard that a man who had committed many sins used to recite it. 32 2 picktall the revelation of the scripture whereof there is no doubt is from the lord of the worlds. رسول ص ل ى الل ه ع ل ي ه و س ل م said the person who reads tabarakallazi biyadihil mulk and alif lam meen tanzeel us sajdah between maghrib and esha the reward for reading these 2surahs will be as though he the reader had stood awake during the night of laylatul qadr. Hakim 2 412 dhahabi in sahih al jamiea 22 789 khalid ibn ma dan radiallahu anhu said recite the deliverer which is alif laam tanzeel for i have heard that a man who had committed many sins used to recite it.
Surah as sajdah السجدة 32 1 alif lãm mĩm. Bismi allahi arrahmani arraheem in the name of allah the most gracious the most merciful the prophet would not sleep until he recited surah as sajdah.