Surah Al Isra Ayat 23 24 Urdu Translation

Akhlak anak terhadap orang tua dalam kandungan q s al isra ayat 23 dan 24 terdiri dari lima macam yaitu larangan mengatakan perkataan uffin larangan membentak dengan kata kata kasar berkata dengan perkataan yang mulia bersikap tawadhu dan mendoakan orang tuanya baik masih.
Surah al isra ayat 23 24 urdu translation. This is qs 17 23 english translate. Whether one or both of them reach old age while with you say not to them so much as uff and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. Surat al isra verses 23 24 and your lord has decreed that you not worship except him and to parents good treatment. Arabic text with urdu translation.
Karena dia mahaesa dia memiliki semua sifat sempurna sifat yang dimiliki nya adalah sifat yang paling agung. Holy is he who carried his bondman by night from the sacred mosque to the aqsa mosque aqsa aroundwhich we have put blessings that we might show him our grand signs. Al isra is 17 surah chapter of the quran with 111 verses ayat. Surat al isra ayat 23.
Quran surah al isra 23 image and transliteration waqa da rabbuka all a taaabudoo ill a iyy a hu wabi a lw a lidayni i h s a nan imm a yablughanna aaindaka alkibara a h aduhum a aw kil a hum a fal a taqul lahum a offin wal a tanharhum a waqul lahum a qawlan kareem a n. Setelah allah melarang perbuatan syirk dalam ayat sebelumnya maka di ayat ini allah subhaanahu wa ta aala memerintahkan kita untuk mentauhidkan nya. Pada surat ini yang termasuk karakter pendidikan dalam islam adalah berbuat baik dan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua. Arabic text with urdu and english translation surah al israa allah in the name of the most affectionate the merciful.
Listen surah isra ayat 24 recited by shaikh abd ur rahman as sudais shaikh su ood. Read and learn surah isra 17 23 in urdu translation to get allah s blessings. With our al quran explorer feature just with a tap you can select the surah you want to recite or listen mp3 audio.