Petroleum Safety Measures Act 1984 Act 302

1st july 1986.
Petroleum safety measures act 1984 act 302. Pdf petroleum safety measures transportation of petroleum by pipelines. P erm itted conveyance of petroleum by road or railw ay 4. 27 june 1984 date of publication in the gazette. To download this document you need to be a subscriber.
Find by title or description search reset. Regulation under the petroleum safety measures act 1984 act 302 petroleum safety measures transportation of petroleum by pipelines regulation 1985 download. Laws of malaysia act 302 petroleum safety measures act 1984 reprint 2001 incorporating latest amendment act a807 1991 date of royal assent. Akta petroleum langkah langkah keselamatan 1984 akta 302.
Fill in the registration form and answer a few simple questions to receive a quote. Petroleum safety measures act 302 1984 of malaysia. Interpretation p a r t ii t r a n s p o r t a t io n o f p e t r o l e u m b y r o a d a n d r a il w a y 3. Site information petroleum safety measures act 302 1984.
28 june 1984 date of coming into operation. Petroleum safety measures act 1984 no. Regulations under the petroleum safety measures act 1984 act 302 folder regulations under the petroleum safety measures act 1984 act 302 search for documents. Petroleum safety measures transportation of petroleum by pipelines regulation 1985 download.
1st march 1985 throughout malaysia parts i iii iv v x and xi p u. Department of occupational safety and health dosh. A ct 302 petroleum safety measures act 1984 a r r a n g e m e n t o f s e c t io n s p a r t i p r e l im in a r y s ectio n 1. Petroleum safety measures act 1984 malaysia 1.
Country territory malaysia document type legislation date 1984 1993 source fao faolex long title an act to consolidate laws relating to safety in the transportation storage and utilization of petroleum and to provide for matters relating thereto. 28 june 1984 date of coming into operation. Petroleum safety measures act 1984 laws of malaysia reprint act 302 petroleum safety measures act 1984 incorporating all amendments up to 1 january 2006 published by the commissioner of law revision malaysia under the authority of the revision of laws act 1968 in collaboration with percetakan nasional malaysia bhd 2006. S hort title com m encem ent and application 2.
Department of occupational safety and health dosh. 27 june 1984 date of publication in the gazette. Available in malay language only.