Exodus 34 10 11

Before all thy people i will do marvels such as the drying up of jordan the causing of the sun to stand still.
Exodus 34 10 11. Which on his part was that he would as moses had entreated forgive the sin of the people go along with them and introduce them into the land of canaan and drive out the inhabitants of it before them. Now it comes to be renewed it is god that makes it. And all the people in the midst of whom thou art shall see the work of jehovah because this is a wonderful. Before all thy people i will do wonderful things such as have not been created in all the earth and in all nations.
He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant the ten commandments. Exodus 34 27 the lord also said to moses write down these words for in accordance with these words i have made a covenant with you and with israel exodus 34 28 so moses was there with the lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. Behold i make a covenant when the covenant was broken it was israel that broke it. Exodus 34 10 11 then the lord said.
And he said behold i will make a covenant or renew the covenant before made the people had broke. Read verse in new international version. 10 and he said behold i am making a covenant. And all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the lord for it is an awesome thing that i will do with you.
Exodus 34 10 and he said behold i make a covenant. Exodus 34 10 11 english standard version esv the covenant renewed. Before all your people i will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. And he said behold i make a covenant.
Before all your people i will do marvels such as have not been created in all the earth or in any nation. 11 observe what i command you this day. And on their part that they should avoid idolatry and everything that led. If there be peace god must have all the glory.
The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that i the lord will do for you. If there be quarrels we must bear all the blame. That he did do marvels we know using extraordinary natural events to assist his people e g.