Business Law Lee Mei Pheng Pdf Download

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Business law lee mei pheng pdf download. Lecturer resource teaching powerpoint slides. Second editionview all editions and formats. Lee mei pheng is the author of business law 4 12 avg rating 104 ratings 6 reviews published 2009 general principles of malaysian law 3 80 avg rati. Lee mei pheng ivan jeron detta available resources.
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An overview 13 2 common law equity and statute law 23 custom 25 case law 26 nature of equity 32. Lee mei pheng ivan jeron detta. Abe diploma in business administration study manual principles of business law contents study unit title page syllabus i 1 nature and sources of law 1 nature of law 3 historical origins 6 sources of law 9 the european community and uk law. Vohrah wu min aun.
This is an introductory textbook on business law tailored for business andbanking undergraduates. Business law oxford university press. The legal principles affecting and shaping businesses and industries in malaysia are presented in an accessible manner. Business law lee mei pheng ebook download business law 3e is an introductory textbook on business law tailored for business and banking undergraduates.
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Principle of the law of contract in malaysia. General principles of malaysian law. It is aimed at equipping students with essential legal knowledge. Companies a company has a legal personality separate from its owners and is the most popular form of business association.
Commercial law malaysia. Law of contract in malaysia cases and commentary. Kuala lumpur 5th impression.