Annual Return Section 68

2 the requirement under subsection 1 is not applicable to a company in the calendar year which it is incorporated.
Annual return section 68. As filing annual return is the most important legal requirement failure to do so is an offence and if convicted the company and its directors will face penalties under sections 165 and 169 of the companies act 1965. In exercise of the powers conferred under the proviso to clause d of sub section 2 of section 68 of the companies act 2013 18 of 2013 act the central government hereby notifies that the debt to capital and free reserves ratio shall be 6 1 for government companies within the meaning of clause 45 of section 2 of the companies act 2013 which carry on non banking finance institution. Annual return is a return stating yearly up to date information of a company as at anniversary date. Lodgement of annual return under section 68 of the act.
Duty to lodge annual return section 68 companies act 2016 1 a company shall lodge with the registrar an annual return for each calendar year not later than thirty days from the anniversary of its incorporation date. 2 the requirement under subsection 1 is not applicable to a company in the calendar year which it is incorporated. 1 a sum is credited into the books of the assessee 2 maintained for the previous year 3. The annual return signed by a director or by the manager or secretary of the company shall be lodged with the suruhanjaya syarikat malaysia within one month after holding its agm or in the case of a company keeping pursuant to its articles a branch register in any place outside malaysia within two months after the annual general meeting.
Section 68 of the income tax act 1961 reads as follows for the purpose of easy understanding of the provision let us divide the section into 7 parts as under. Pursuant to section 68 of the companies act 2016 all private limited companies are required to lodge its annual return with the ssm within thirty 30 days from its anniversary of incorporation date each calendar year. Application for extension of time for giving notice under section 143 of the act.